
About Me

Let's Get Acquainted

My name is Constance and I'm a Midwesterner.  I've been married for almost 25 years; and have a beautiful daughter.  I am a childhood cancer survivor!  My husband and I own a small business.  We share our love of traveling the world with our daughter.  Sitting on a beach sipping a Coke Zero is perfect!

I am proud to be a conservative.  Of course, I am pro-life.    The reason I started blogging is that I'm tired of watching and reading MSM and their fabrications.  They constantly bash our President and his supporters.  I did not study journalism or broadcasting- just want to express my thoughts and opinions like millions of other people do.  Of course, I'm onboard the Trump train for 2020, as I was in 2016!  

I am about the red states (even though I live in a blue state); I am a right-winger; and I am a true American.  That is how the name came about -

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